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Privacy Policy for IT Company Employees

1. Introduction This Privacy Policy defines the rules for handling confidential information, protecting the business interests of the company, and the rights of employees. Compliance with this policy is mandatory for all company employees.
2. Definition of Confidential Information Confidential information includes, but is not limited to: Business plans and strategies Financial reports and data Information about clients and partners Personal data of employees Software codes and technical documentation Information about products and projects under development Any other information marked as "confidential"
3. Confidentiality Agreement All employees are required to sign a Confidentiality Agreement upon employment. This agreement obligates the employee to keep confidential any information they have access to during their work.
4. Access to Information Access to confidential information is provided only to employees who need it to perform their job duties. Each employee is responsible for ensuring the security of the information provided to them.
5. Handling Documents Documents containing confidential information must be properly labeled and stored in secure locations. Disposal of such documents should be carried out using appropriate methods that ensure their irrecoverability.
6. Use of Electronic Devices Employees must adhere to the rules for the safe use of electronic devices: Use strong passwords and update them regularly Enable encryption on devices containing confidential information Update security software Avoid using personal devices for working with confidential information
7. Communication and Information Sharing Discussion of confidential information should only take place in secure communication channels. Using personal email and unsecured messengers to transmit confidential information is prohibited.
8. Working with External Partners Any transmission of confidential information to external partners or third parties must be authorized by company management and accompanied by a signed non-disclosure agreement (NDA).
9. Social Media and Public Speaking Employees must not publish or discuss confidential information about the company, its products, projects, or clients on social media, forums, or in public speeches.
10. Violations and Sanctions Employees must immediately report any cases of leakage or breach of confidentiality to their direct supervisor or the company’s security service. Violation of the Privacy Policy may result in disciplinary actions, up to and including dismissal and legal liability.
11. Termination of Employment The obligation to maintain confidentiality continues even after the employment relationship ends. Former employees are not allowed to disclose any confidential information they had access to during their employment with the company.
12. Policy Updates The company reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy. Employees will be promptly informed of any changes. This Privacy Policy is designed to protect the interests of the company and ensure the security of its business information. Compliance with these rules is mandatory for all employees.

Non-Disclosure Rules for Employees

Confidentiality Agreement: All employees must sign a confidentiality agreement upon joining the company, agreeing to protect and keep confidential all proprietary and sensitive information.
Access Control: Employees should only access information that is necessary for their job function. Unauthorized access to confidential information is strictly prohibited.
Information Sharing: Employees must not share confidential information about the company’s products, projects, or clients with anyone outside the company, including family and friends.
Internal Communication: Sensitive information should only be discussed in secure and authorized channels. Avoid discussing confidential matters in public places or on unsecured communication platforms.
Document Handling: All documents containing confidential information should be marked as "Confidential" and stored securely. Dispose of such documents properly when they are no longer needed.
Digital Security: Ensure that all digital devices used for work are secure. Use strong passwords, enable encryption, and regularly update security software to protect against unauthorized access.
Social Media: Employees must not post or share any confidential information about the company or its products on social media platforms or any public forums.
External Communications: Any communication with external parties that involves confidential information must be approved by the relevant department head or manager.
Reporting Breaches: Employees are required to immediately report any suspected or actual breaches of confidentiality to their supervisor or the company's security officer.
Post-Employment: The obligation to maintain confidentiality continues even after the employment relationship ends. Former employees must not disclose any confidential information acquired during their tenure at the company.
These rules aim to ensure the protection of the company's proprietary information and maintain the integrity and security of its products and projects.

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